A clever tool to electronically approve purchase invoices and allocate costs. It makes your accounts payable process fast, simple and transparent.
eFlow & Standard Books integration
Get accurate real-time financials with a seamless purchase documents synchronization.

Trusted by 1000+ companies

What is Telema eFlow?

What is Standard Books?

One of the most comprehensive business software in Estonia. Standard Books has more than 30 different modules to support your entire company.
Telema eFlow + Standard Books?

Automates accounts payable process using Telema eFlow. Ensures fast and accurate financial reporting. Telema eFlow posts journal entries automatically into your Standard Books business software using secure 2-way sync.
Become more efficient with Telema eFlow!
Save 25 min per purchase invoice. Discover how Telema eFlow can do it for your business.
Telema eFlow
Get rid of endless repetitive tasks. Make your AP process easy, fast and transparent.
Manual invoice data entry is history
- Receive e-invoices from more than 100 000 companies. Virtual assistant Robin helps with PDF-invoices
- Set up approval sequence and business rules. Approve in browser or mobile app. Achieve 100% transparency
- Split, merge or copy invoice rows as needed. Simple (supplier-based) and advanced (invoice row-based) business rules for automatic cost allocation by Robin

Standard Books
One of the most comprehensive business software in Estonia with 30 modules
Toeta ettevõtete igapäevast äritegevust
- User-friendly interface and different key combinations to switch between documents and windows
- No need for manual transfer of data between departments with integrated modules
- API integrations to support your webshop or other softwares