What is
Telema eFlow?


A clever tool to electronically approve purchase invoices and allocate costs.


Makes your accounts payable process fast, simple and transparent.


Posts journal entries automatically into your ERP using secure 2-way sync.

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Studies have shown that AP process can be sped up by6x

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Meet Robin,
your virtual assistant for AP automation

Features Robin
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Smart invoice inbox

Lighten your workload. Save yourself from manual data entry.

Receive e-invoices from over 100 000 companies

E-invoice is a machine-readable invoice that can be automatically processed. E-invoice is created in your suppliers’ ERP and transferred directly to your purchase invoice software without human intervention.

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Virtual assistant Robin helps with PDF-invoices

Forward PDF invoices received via email automatically to Robin. He will scan the pdf for most important invoice data and convert it into structured file. Within a few minutes the invoice can be checked by the first approver.

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Flexible approval workflow

Your time is valuable. Don’t waste it on chasing down colleagues who are blocking invoice approval.

Set up approval sequence and
business rules

Create a workflow and set your business rules. Who will approve what invoices in what sequence? The next time an incurring invoice arrives, Robin will assign the correct workflow automatically.

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Approve via browser or mobile app

Approvers are notified when an invoice must be reviewed. Both IOS and Android app can be used.

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Automate approval

Budget holders can set up automatic approval rules and delegate approval of smaller recurring payments to virtual assistant Robin.

To keep senior executives in loop, you can set approval thresholds. In case the invoice total sum is above a specified level, then the invoice must be reviewed by a higher ranking manager.

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Automated cost allocation

Repetition is not always the mother of wisdom. Sometimes once is enough, AI can do it next time.

Allocate costs as needed

Use an unlimited number of dimensions. You can split  expenses between projects, departments, employees, cars, locations, products, brands, etc.

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Teach Robin supplier-based rules

For instance, Robin can assign:

  • office rent invoices from Rental Co always to account 5442
  • car lease invoices from CarSales Ltd that refer to  agreement #54123 always to the Support Department and to a car with a numberplate 360MLK
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Advanced options for e-invoices

Enable Robin to work with more advanced row-based rules. For instance, a telecom bill could be split between departments based on a phone numbers (+372524333 always to Sales department) and allocated to cost accounts based on words found in description (“internet…” always to account 54230, while “…calls..” always to account 56200).

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Excellent Visibility & Control

Uncertainty about how many invoices are yet to process does not have to be a dominant feeling when trying to close the month.

Have a perfect overview

Get an instant overview of your AP workflow and identify bottlenecks in the process to reduce delays. In addition, get an early overview of all of your liabilities for fast close and cash flow management.

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2-way sync with your accounting software

Once the invoices are approved, Robin posts the journal entries to your ERP. Naturally using secure and encrypted channels.

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Invoices are automatically archived for 7 years

After successful ERP sync, documents are archived in eFlow. All actions are logged. You can easily see who changed what and who approved which invoices.

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Enhanced security & mitigated risk

Data access – role-based user rights to what can be seen and edited.

Data security – Telema eFlow runs in ISO-27001 certified cloud-based datacentres with double diesel generators and data vaults that guarantee your good night’s sleep.

High availability – an enterprise level 99% service availability guaranteed

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Additional options


For fast close

Cost provisioning functionality helps to close the period sooner. It enables you to sync purchase invoice data with your ERP before they get their final approval.


In case of many legal bodies

You can set up accounts for multiple legal bodies, have cross functional teams approving invoices for multiple companies. It works even if there are multiple ERPs involved.


For companies with many users

You can set up an unlimited number of user accounts.


For receipts and travel reports

Integration with Cost Pocket. Take a photo of your receipts, select the type of expense, create a report if needed and approve it.


Alerts to avoid fraud or errors

Duplicate documents are highlighted. New unknown bank accounts get a warning.


SSO for easy user management

Integration with leading secure Single Sign-On (SSO) providers enables you to centrally limit access to business critical information. Use Okta or MS Active Directory.

Robin additional options

Modern approach




Invoice data is entered multiple times. Supplier creates an invoice in their ERP, you retype the same information into yours.


Manual invoice data entry is minimized. E-invoices are imported automatically, PDFs are captured by virtual assistant Robin.


Cost allocation is retyped often twice. Managers add info about a project or department into an email or onto a paper invoice, accounting retypes it into an accounting software.


For most invoices (from recurring suppliers) cost allocation can be fully automated. If manual intervention is needed then it is done only once, no double entries.


Errors in data entry. Some documents are entered twice, some have errors in dates, supplier data, amounts etc.


Mismatches like duplicate documents, unknown bank accounts are recognized automatically.


Poor overview. Answers to questions like how many invoices are waiting for approval or what is the total amount to be paid next week can only given based on gut feeling.


At all times, the invoice is visible to all related parties. No need to wonder who and for how long has been delaying their approval.


Approvers must come to office to review their purchase invoices.


Approve invoices everywhere on any device having access to an Internet browser.

Feedback person

Toomas Antons


Before starting to use Telema eFlow we didn’t recognize how inefficient our purchase invoice processing was. Now, after using new system for a few years we definitely don’t miss our old system. eFlow saves us time, makes our processes faster and simpler. Invoice approval can be done from every corner of the world now.

Feedback person

Ingrid Arva


eFlow has a very simple structure and user friendly. Most useful function for us is the automatic cost allocation for repetitive invoices and the approval workflows. The fact that different approvers can change cost allocations makes eFlow even more convenient.


Feedback person

Janika Roots


Our company has been growing rapidly in the recent years. The same cannot be said about our AP team. Thanks to Telema eFlow we’ve been able to automate big part of recurring tasks when working with purchase invoices. We can not process a lot more documents with the same amount of employees.

Ready to automate?

Discover what Telema eFlow can do for your business!

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