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How to add receipts to Telema eFlow?

For Telema eFlow clients, concerns with invoices are now solved, but that does not mean some occasional receipts need to be processed as well. To offer our clients a full service, we are cooperating with CostPocket who offers services to digitize receipts.

CostPocket has developed an app that makes it easy to take a photo of the receipts right after purchases. It will be digitized in seconds and all the necessary information will move automatically to Telema eFlow.

In addition, all cost documents that have sent by email can be digitized in CostPocket as well. Just forward the email which contains the document to a specific email that can be found in CostPocket app. After being digitized, the cost document can be seen both in CostPocket app and Telema eFlow.

Furthermore CostPocket provides a fast and simple way to compose cost and travel reports and forward them to Telema eFlow system. Afterwards, documents can be automatically allocated and forwarded for approval with Telema eFlow.

To add documents into cost and travel reports, first take a picture of the document or forward it to the specified email address. For example if you are travelling to Poland and use Bolt taxi to travel to the airport. Bolt will from thereon send a cost document to email that can be forwarded to CostPocket report. After the document is added to CostPocket report, user can then approve the report and it moves on to Telema eFlow.

A new feature in CostPocket is the option to fill in driver’s log book. Log book creates an option to offer employees refund for work trips made with personal vechicle. User just enters the purpose of the drive and current milage. Data entered in CostPocket will automatically move to Telema eFlow.

They are already using Telema eFlow: Bolt, Apollo, R-kiosk, Certex, Division, MIXD Meedia

For more information, please visit CostPocket website:

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Robin CTA